07 November 2017
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Manchester Communication Academy
Silchester Drive
M40 8NT
Explore case studies of current innovative place-based initiatives which tackle educational disadvantage.
Are you an education professional within a school, a local authority, or the third sector? Then you’re warmly invite to take part in a research-informed debate about how the English school system can work in new place-based ways to tackle educational disadvantage.
Researchers from the University of Manchester will share examples of innovative place-based developments from across the country. These examples suggest that, through working locally, it is possible for schools and their partners to begin to re-shape the education system in particular places, in ways which can help to tackle educational disadvantage.
Case studies will be used to explore possibilities for:
• school-led approaches, including many types of local area-based alliances.
• local authority-led approaches, which are effectively working to change local systems by creating new kinds of partnership arrangements.
• third sector involvement, for instance, charities or voluntary and community organisations bringing specialist expertise to schools in disadvantaged places, or acting as ‘anchor points’ to connect children’s school and neighbourhood experiences, when the link between these is broken.
You will hear from a panel of influential figures in the Greater Manchester school system who will set out what they see as the main implications for schools, local authorities, third sector organisations, and national policy.
Building on these inputs, there will be opportunities for open debate and discussion around issues including:
• the possibilities suggested by different types of place-based initiatives
• where the necessary leadership and coordination for these initiatives can come from
• the conditions needed to support such developments and how these might be achieved
• recommendations for policy and practice.
After the event, we’ll publish the key issues debated and recommendations discussed in a blog post.
There are a limited number of places available at this event. These will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Please contact Dr Kirstin Kerr to register: