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Sketching the Everyday

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08 November 2016
10:30 am - 4:00 pm

Manchester Museum
Oxford Road
M13 9PL

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ESRC Festival of Social Science logo

Two creative workshops and a drop-in session, hosted by researchers from the Morgan Centre for Research into Everyday Lives. Each session explored one of our research themes, either: ‘Being thrifty’ or ‘Belonging (and not belonging)’. For each theme, we introduced our research and looked at some of the objects in the Manchester Museum collection which had links with the theme. Participants each brought in objects of their own, also linked to the workshop theme.

Dr Vanessa May explains her research on the theme of Belonging (and not belonging)


Being Thrifty

Then, urban sketcher Lynne Chapman introduced some quick sketching techniques, which participants used to sketch their objects as a way of exploring the topic further. Lynne is an urban sketcher and illustrator who was Artist in Residence at the Morgan Centre during 2015/16. She documented the life and work of the centre, and worked with us to explore the similarities between sketching and research in the ways they interpret and represent everyday lives. Lynne produced her own sketches and worked with Morgan Centre staff who tested the potential of the use of sketching in their own research.


A sketch relating to the theme of Belonging (and not belonging)






For more information about the sketching project, please visit our website.

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