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It’s my life: Staying in control. A school-based intervention to improve wellbeing and promote healthy attitudes towards alcohol

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09 November 2016
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Collier Room, Central Hall
Oldham Street
M1 1JQ

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ESRC Festival of Social Science logoResearchers often use school Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) classes to test new ways of engaging young people with health-related issues such as alcohol. It is important that good quality research is carried out in order to work out what approaches work to influence young people’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviour.

This workshop, part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science, will describe how a universal school-based intervention to address adolescent well-being and alcohol misuse was designed and tested, and will explore how schools, parents and communities might collaborate with researchers to further develop these ideas and methods in their own contexts.

This is an invitation only event. For further details, please contact Joanna Bragg (