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Identi-Tee: Exploring Identity through Creative Design

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11 November 2017
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Manchester Fashion Institute, Righton Building
Cavendish Street
M15 6BG


An opportunity for young refugees in Manchester to talk about their experiences through creative arts

Our event brings together young unaccompanied asylum seekers, academics, and practitioners from national charity the Children’s Society, for a creative arts event exploring the experiences of young people seeking asylum in Manchester. Featuring members of the Manchester Centre for Youth Studies (MCYS) and the Manchester Fashion Institute (MFI) from Manchester Metropolitan University, our event will provide an interactive workshop to support young people to reflect on, and articulate, their current, past and future selves.

We are interested in how young people’s sense of identity may or may not impact on their experience of asylum. We will support and encourage young people to explore their identity through clothing. Through the course of this interactive and fun workshop, the young people will design their own t-shirts. We will encourage them to express their experiences, identities and culture in a safe and non-judgemental environment. The participants will be able to share an understanding of their unique perspectives, cultures and identities. The t-shirts created on the day will be theirs to keep.

Contact: Professor Hannah Smithson