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‘Decent’ work and ‘decent’ adult social care: what prospects in the current policy context?

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08 November 2016
11:45 am - 4:30 pm

Brooks Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
53 Bonsall Street
M15 6GX

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ESRC Festival of Social Science logoThis event, aimed at a diverse audience including: practitioners (e.g. care providers), academics and policy makers, drew on research findings from a number of key reports, focusing on adult social care in England, Scotland and Wales, followed by a series of workshops exploring in greater detail the implications for Manchester.

Through these workshops, delegates had opportunity to engage with a range of different stakeholders and share their experiences, views and concerns for the future of adult social care in Manchester and the region.

This event was filmed and the video can be accessed here: Decent Work and Decent Adult Social Care

Contact: Mrs Katherine Roycroft (